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Leveling Up: What’s New in My Fitness Journey

I just finished a Women’s Coaching Certification after 1.5 years of study! It feels amazing to have added this to my skillset, and I can’t wait to put everything I’ve learned into action. Fitness is always evolving, and I believe in working out smarter, not harder. My job is to make sure you’re getting the best workouts and nutrition advice based on the latest science, and that means I’m constantly learning and growing in my field. Whether it’s adding new certifications, attending workshops, or diving into a good book on wellness, I’m always finding new ways to bring you the best strategies for success.

🧘‍♀️ In 2023/24 I’ve added some exciting new certifications to my toolkit:

  • 200hr Teacher Training

  • GGS Women’s Coaching Specialist

  • ALA Lifeguard Certification

  • CPR, AED, and First Aid certifications (ongoing)

But that’s not all! I’ve also been attending some really cool workshops and clinics.

🏋️ Here’s a peek at what I’ve been up to:

  • NASM Bodybuilding

  • Coaching Female Clients into and Beyond Menopause

  • Integrating Progressive Overload for Physique Transformation

  • Integrated Balance Training

  • Understanding the Female Pelvic Core Neuromuscular System

  • The Female Lumbo-Pelvic Complex

  • Redefining Health Coaching in the Age of Weight Loss Medications

  • Assisted Stretching Clinic

  • Glute Growth Clinic

  • Squat Technique Clinic

  • Small Group Training Clinic

  • Battle Rope Clinic

📚 And let’s talk books for a second. I love expanding my knowledge with some great reads, and this year’s list has been packed with game-changers like:

  • The New Menopause by Dr. Mary Claire Haver

  • Outlive by Dr. Peter Attia

  • Breathe by James Nestor

  • Forever Strong by Gabrielle Lyon

  • The Body by Bill Bryson

  • The Body Keeps the Score by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

  • What Happened to You? by Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry

From the science of longevity to understanding trauma's impact on the body, these books are helping me expand my approach to fitness and wellness. They also make great reads for anyone interested in health & wellness.... so go pick one up!

All of this helps me bring more depth and variety to your workouts and coaching, whether we’re talking strength training, balance, flexibility, or just feeling good in your own skin. I’m committed to helping you live your best, healthiest life, and keeping up with the latest in fitness is just one way I do that.

In case you’re curious, along with my newest certifications, I also hold foundational certifications in Personal Training, Group Fitness, and Nutrition, as well as specialties in Barre, AquaFit, and Pilates. And of course, I’m always staying up to date on safety with CPR, AED, and First Aid certifications.

Thanks for joining me for in-person & online classes! You're the reason I love my job.


Tamara Smith



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